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Foreign Minister Visits UN

Foreign Minister Michael Farr paid a courtesy visit to the United Nations in New York, USA.  Farr was the first West Who government official to visit the UN.  He said UN official showed no interest in allowing micronations such as the Republic of West Who to participate in the United Nations.


Senate Passes Civil Marriage Law

The West Who Senate voted to add a Civil Marriage law to the West Who Basic Law, which is the nation's constitution. A close vote of 3 to 2 in favor of Senate Bill 3 confirmed the proposal into law.  The statute reads as follows:

Civil Marriage Law

A civil marriage may be performed by a government official elected or appointed.  The couple must

  • not be married to someone else

  • not be marrying a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother or sister

  • be at least 18 years old

  • understand what marriage means and freely consent to marry

  • give written notice of their intention to marry to their authorized celebrant, within the required time frame.


Civil marriages shall be registered with the West Who Department of Citizen Affairs within two weeks of a marriage.


West Who Issues Micronational Flag Series Stamps

WWN- Whoville - What do Drakonberg, the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis, Principality of Hashima, Leylandistan & Gurtave, Republic of Minerva and West Who have in common? Well, a new stamp series issued by the West Who Post Office features the flags of each of these micronations.  West Who has diplomatic relations with four of these nations.  Each stamp was issued at $ 5 rate of West Who dollars. President Farr commented that he likes the new series, "Especially, since it features flags of nations we have friendly relations with.  It is a nice issue for stamp collectors."

Micronational Stamp Series.jpg


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